It seems that every time a big change happens in my life, I start a new diary. While this won't be like a traditional diary, it will be a great way for everyone to follow my travels and read/see the day to day things I experience! This will give me something to look back at. I'm so excited for this experience, and I've never felt like something was more 'right'. Thanks to everyone who is supporting me!
The reality of moving thousands of miles away gets clearer every day. I'm excited and sad at the same time. It's funny how you take things for granted sometimes. I was telling my mom the other day how I decided to take a walk through Woodstock, on a particular route I had never done before. It was beautiful outside and I couldn't help but feel sentimental about it. I wondered why in the 5 and a half years I've worked in that town, I hadn't done that before. I'll miss it. There is no place like Vermont.
The hardest part about leaving is going to be leaving family and friends. Although most family lives hours away, it will be weird to be in different time more mass email from Mom and Kayde in my work inbox in the morning! haha But thanks to Jim, I'll have my iChat camera set up and I'll be able to see and talk to them!
I'm going to miss Salt hill terribly but I'm sure I will keep in touch. I'm soaking in every moment I spend with my friends. Maybe I'll be back... if Joe has his way I'll be training to be a manager! hahaha
Ok... so enough of the mushy stuff. It's out of my system (almost). Time to talk about details. I give notice at my day job on the 14th. I'm nervous and hoping it goes well. I've learned a lot in working there and overall it's been a great experience. It's just time to move on. My last day is on June 15th (the 19th at the pub), then Mom, Kayde and Brian are flying up to NH on the 20th to help around the house and pack things up.
I'll be flying from Baltimore (at the crack of dawn I might add) to LA, only to be stuck in LA for somewhere around 8 hours. Now I know why the tickets were so cheap at Expedia. :) Can anyone suggest a fun pastime? Then from LA to Auckland to Christchurch. I'll probably spend the night there and grab a bus down to Akaroa the next day.
So much to do, so little time!