Below are some photos that Adi took on tailing day. We drenched, vaccinated and tailed over 300 lambs! The photos below are not gory and they are not close ups, but if you don't want to see tailing, then skip the pics. :)


I look a little too giddy with that needle in my hand

Me, Hayden (Adrian's son), Tom and Nicky
Giddy? You look like a mad scientist!
Wow, what an experience. It's hard to imagine someone who is afraid of spiders tailing and vaccinating lambs. I'm impressed!
Ethan and I often listen to a British recording of sung nursery rhymes. The reality of children's verse never ceases to amaze me, but thanks for the Little Bo Peep visual!!!
"It happened one day, as Bo peep did stray, Into a meadow hard by,
There she espied their tails side by side, All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye, And over the hillocks went rambling,
And tried what she could, as a sheperdess should, To tack each again to its lambkin."
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